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Name: Lillian Watkins
Date: 03/11/2011
Message: Awesome Retreat I was truly blessed

Name: Kimberly Johnson
Date: 03/10/2011
Message: Gale - I truly thank God for using you in this manner. This retreat was wonderful I am so glad that I didn't let anything stop me from coming this year. I will definitely tell more people next year so that they can get their blessings as well. Be encouraged my sister you and your staff did an outstanding job. Love Ya

Name: Ezreaonne Jackson
Date: 03/10/2011
Message: Elder Gale, Thank you for such a God-inspired conference. I have nuggets of wisdom and direction to carry me through the journey this year

Name: SONIA Akpa
Date: 03/10/2011
Message: Well Done Elder gALE!Be blessed!

Name: Roslyn Washington
Date: 03/09/2011
Message: The retreat was absolutely informative. The speakers are real and each one allowed God to use them by sharing their journeys and victories by completely trusting God. I believe the retreat enlightened and encouraged those who may think "they can't", the ability and confidence now "knowing they can" accomplish their purpose in life that God has designed just for them. This ministry is being fulfilled by conveying love, direction, peace, and hope. It is evidence that Elder Gale Williams as one of God's sheeps hears His voice and follows His direction, and carries it out with obedience. I also believe each retreat I've attended, (which is all of them) were orchestrated by God, and the vessel being used ... Elder Gale Williams. Ms. Roz Washington

Name: Eartha
Date: 02/13/2011
Message: I am looking forward to the retreat again this year. I was so blessed by last year. I thank God for strong,God fearing women with degrees and wonderful experiences pouring blessings into the lives of other, God bless!

Name: Dr. Inetta J Cooper
Date: 01/12/2011
Message: I'm looking forward to being with you this year at the 2011 Retreat.

Name: Ezreaonne Jackson
Date: 01/11/2011
Message: I have had the priviledge to be be with ECM since its conception. There is such a strong since of anticipation for our gathering for 2011. The Glory cloud will overshadow those in attendance with such a powerful presence for empowering the "Body" for this next level.

Name:  keijo
Date: 07/29/2010
Message: Thank you to the Lord for grace in peace and vision of heaven with desire that be used of the Lord time after time and in power of the Holy Spirit and miracles,let us agree revival togethers in faith and trust in word of life ,thanks and bless and hope,keijo sweden

Name: Sandra K. James and REJOICE, INC
Date: 04/28/2010
Message: Hello Elder Gale, Thank you again for the invite this year it was a great location and a wonderful conference! Blessings to you and the Entrusted Connections Ministry Staff.

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